To z viru nezistis. Ked to prezenies disassemblerom, uvidis maximalne tak assemblerovsky kod. To by bolo moc lahke, keby si hocijaky porogram mohol len tak v niecom otvorit (jeho exe subor) a uvidel tam komplet zdrojak co?
ale ked som si stiahol tie virusy co sa tu daju niekde stiahnut tak ked som to rozbalil tak som videl ze to boli scripty a dalo sa to otvorit v macromedii.
Akoze ak by si mal exe subor a urobil by si disassembling toho kodu, tak by si mohol menit "zdrojak", ale musel by si dokonale ovladat assembler...
_________________ Empty your memory, with a free()… like a pointer! If you cast a pointer to an integer, it becomes the integer, if you cast a pointer to a struct, it becomes the struct… The pointer can crash…, and can overflow… Be a pointer my friend…