mikes192 píše:
ked som vyskusal stiahnut win 7 a zadal ten product key, vyskocilo toto
The product key you entered appears to be for software pre-installed by the device manufacturer. Please contact the device manufacturer for software recovery options.
Ano, pretoze priamo od Microsoft-u stiahnes iso Windows 7 len pomocou OEM/GGK/FPP Product Key-u.. Takze mozes kontaktovat autorizovany servis (stale napr. neviem model Tvojho notebooku) a kupit si u nich Recovery DVD, skusit ho zohnat cez eBay resp. Bazos alebo priamo nainstalujes Windows 10, ako Ti pisal kllr007..
Hlavne neskusaj stahovat rozne instalacky cez torrent a podobne (aj ked mas licenciu), lebo z toho bude presne to, co pisal liqua1..