Ak to nepomoze, pokracuj podla nasledujucich bodov.
1. Click the Start icon and in the search field type "winsxs".
2. Double click this folder and scroll down to the file "pending.xml".
3. Right click it and select "Properties".
4. Under the "Security" tab, select "Advanced"
5. Highlight your User Account name from the list and click "Edit..."
6. Repeat 5.
7. Check the box marked "Full control". Then "OK" (x4).
8. You can now delete the file "pending.xml". Make a back up copy if
you wish and paste it somewhere else just in case!
9. Restart your PC (on boot up it should no longer say "Configuring
Updates..." any more).
10. Download the 'Windows Update Installer'
( ... ndalone/...).
Once downloaded, you may want to move it from your download folder to
somewhere else. Such as where the Windows Update File (wuapp.exe)
was to start with (C:\Windows\System32). Double click it
to install.