Dobrý deň
Mám takýto kód:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h> // Win32API Header File
#define Red RGB (255,0,0) // definicia vlastnych farieb (Red+Green+Blue)
#define Lime RGB (206,255,0)
#define Blue RGB (0,0,255)
// nasleduje deklaracia troch funkcii, ktore
// budeme pouzivat, definica na konci programu
int BCX_Line (HWND,int,int,int,int,int,HDC); // kresli ciaru
int BCX_Circle (HWND,int,int,int,int,int,HDC); // kresli kruznicu
HWND GetConsoleWndHandle (void); // ziska handle na okno
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* */
/* Tu zacina hlavny program */
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
static HWND hConWnd;
hConWnd = GetConsoleWndHandle(); // ziskanie handle na okno
// tu zacina priestor pre vasu tvorivost:
BCX_Circle(hConWnd, 150, 130, 105, Blue,0,0);
BCX_Line(hConWnd, 5, 5, 800, 600, Red,0);
BCX_Line(hConWnd, 295, 5, 5, 250, Lime,0);
scanf("?"); // na konci pockame na ENTER, aby obrazok hned nezmizol...
return 0;
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* */
/* Nasleduju definicie funkcii, nepredpoklada sa, ze by ste tu cokolvek */
/* menili, ale nie je to zakazane, mozete tak docielit mnohe zaujimave */
/* efekty... */
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* */
/* Funkcia BCX_Line */
/* */
/* HWND Wnd : handle okna */
/* int x1, y1 : suradnice pociatocneho bodu */
/* int x2, y2 : suradnice koncoveho bodu */
/* int Pen : farba */
/* HDC DrawHDC : kontext zariadenia */
/* */
/* Funkcia nakresli ciaru z bodu [x1,y1] do bodu [x2,y2] farbou Pen. */
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */
int BCX_Line (HWND Wnd,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int Pen,HDC DrawHDC)
int a,b=0;
HPEN hNPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, Pen); // penstyle, width, color
if (!DrawHDC)
DrawHDC = GetDC(Wnd), b = 1;
hOPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(DrawHDC, hNPen);
MoveToEx(DrawHDC, x1, y1, NULL); // starting point of line
a = LineTo(DrawHDC, x2, y2); // ending point of line
if (b) ReleaseDC(Wnd, DrawHDC);
return a;
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* */
/* Funkcia BCX_Circle */
/* */
/* HWND Wnd : handle okna */
/* int X, Y : suradnice stredu kruznice */
/* int R : polomer */
/* int Pen : farba */
/* int Fill : vypln */
/* HDC DrawHDC : kontext zariadenia */
/* */
/* Funkcia nakresli kruznicu so stredom [X,Y], polomerom R farbou Pen. */
/* */
/* Kruznicu kresli pomocou WinApi funkcie na kreslenie elipsy */
/* zadanej ohranicujucim obdlznikom so suradnicami laveho horneho */
/* a praveho dolneho rohu.
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */
int BCX_Circle(HWND Wnd,int X,int Y,int R,int Pen,int Fill,HDC DrawHDC)
int a, b = 0;
if (!DrawHDC) DrawHDC = GetDC(Wnd), b = 1;
HPEN hNPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, Pen); // penstyle, width, color
HPEN hOPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(DrawHDC, hNPen);
HBRUSH hOldBrush;
HBRUSH hNewBrush;
if (Fill) // if true will fill circle with pencolor
hNewBrush = CreateSolidBrush(Pen);
hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(DrawHDC, hNewBrush);
else // else just draw circle
hNewBrush = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(DrawHDC, hNewBrush);
a = Ellipse(DrawHDC, X-R, Y+R, X+R, Y-R);
DeleteObject(SelectObject(DrawHDC, hOPen));
DeleteObject(SelectObject(DrawHDC, hOldBrush));
if (b) ReleaseDC(Wnd, DrawHDC);
return a;
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* */
/* Funkcia GetConsoleWndHandle(void) */
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */
// the hoop ...
HWND GetConsoleWndHandle(void)
HWND hConWnd;
char szTempTitle[64], szClassName[128], szOriginalTitle[1024];
os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( OSVERSIONINFO );
GetVersionEx( &os );
// may not work on WIN9x
if ( os.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s ) return 0;
GetConsoleTitle( szOriginalTitle, sizeof( szOriginalTitle ) );
sprintf( szTempTitle,"%u - %u", GetTickCount(), GetCurrentProcessId() );
SetConsoleTitle( szTempTitle );
Sleep( 40 );
// handle for NT
hConWnd = FindWindow( NULL, szTempTitle );
SetConsoleTitle( szOriginalTitle );
// may not work on WIN9x
if ( os.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS )
hConWnd = GetWindow( hConWnd, GW_CHILD );
if ( hConWnd == NULL ) return 0;
GetClassName( hConWnd, szClassName, sizeof ( szClassName ) );
while ( strcmp( szClassName, "ttyGrab" ) != 0 )
hConWnd = GetNextWindow( hConWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT );
if ( hConWnd == NULL ) return 0;
GetClassName( hConWnd, szClassName, sizeof( szClassName ) );
return hConWnd;
a nasledujúci problém :
![C - GetConsoleWndHandle Chyba C - GetConsoleWndHandle Chyba](
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