[ Príspevkov: 5 ] 

G o o g l e   Promotion 2012

Registrovaný: 27.04.06
Prihlásený: 16.01.25
Príspevky: 2145
Témy: 236 | 236
Bydlisko: Topolčany
NapísalOffline : 01.02.2012 13:22 | G o o g l e Promotion 2012

*pred par tyzdnami mi dosiel mail v zneni:

Gmail user,
You w o n £ 5 0 0,000 U K P o u n d s in our New Year Promotion. Contact
Paul Burton: paulburt2012@gmail.com
Maria Jones
Promo Announcer
odosielatel: ©2012 Google.Promo.Team [winners@googlenewyrpromo.co.uk]

na to som im poslal odpoved, nech si robia <> z niekoho ineho (znenie bolo skoro doslova :)

*na to mi poslali dasli mail:

Dear googler,
Please kindly download the file attachment to read full details on how to claim your cash prize.
Google Processing Agent, UNIT12AGT

vo fily bol textak-v podstate v nom bolo to iste ako v tom nasledujucom maily dole..

a dnes mi po asi tyzdni dosiel dalsi mail:

©2012 Google UK Giveaway Promo Team
Belgrave House, #76 Buckingham Palace Road London SW1W 9TQ.
Tel: +44 702 4084626, +44 702 4064514,
Fax: +448704710767, +44 700 597 8372.

Dear Winner (Googler),
This is a final message is from the Google Disbursement centre UK. I have gone through your file and I understand you have not responded to the claiming information provided to you. Thus, as a result of your silence I assume you did not get the mail that was sent to you previously and base on this assumption I decided to take out time to send you this final information; If after this mail and no response from you within 72hours we shall conclude that this email account is no longer in use (active) thereby giving us the "go ahead" to disclaim you and re-use your prize in our subsequent sweepstakes. I strongly advise you to treat the content of this mail urgently in order to secure your fortune.

On behalf of all team of the Giveaway promotions , I wish to inform you again that your email is among our 10 lucky winning email addresses for this year Google promotions that was held in UK. Your e-mail address attached to Ticket#: 869-575/UK-231-72 with CGP #: EU/UK/0010/011 drew Lucky#: 8101-23-7231-(51) that was randomly selected by our Central Computer System under category A. This Promotion is organized by Google Organization ( Australia, North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa) to commemorate our 13th Anniversary in the UK and also to say "Thank you" to all our regular Web Users Worldwide (who uses our Online Search Engine, our e-mail service and other online ancillary services) for joining us in expanding the use of internet worldwide especially in ASIA and AFRICA and also for making "Google Search Engine" & GMail the #1 Online Search Engine/Web-base Email Provider worldwide.

No purchase of Ticket were required for this year draw but all email addresses randomly selected were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy. All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from exclusive list of 200,000 extracted email addresses of individual and corporate bodies from 45 Email providers companies from Australia, North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa as part of International Promotions Program which is conducted annually.

To begin the verification process of your prize, you are required to read through the options of claim below and fill out the required verification information as well, copy of your ID should be provided aswell for to complete your claim verification/processing:

Payment Option/Preferred Mode Of Payment
1 - Personal Prize Pickup:
All beneficiaries under the UK claim zone are required to come down in person to personally pickup his/her Prize Cheque at any of our disbursement locations (cash pickup centers) here in London.
Requirements documents to come with for personal prize pickup are:
(a) An International Passport
(b) A tax clearance certification.
(c) Birth Certificate or Affidavit of age Declaration
(d) Police report attesting your patriotism and crime free citizen of your Country

Note: beneficiary(s) making use of this option must send the scan copies of the above documents along with the verification required information below. Beneficiary(s) who required invitation letter for Visa application (as the case maybe) are required to forward the above mentioned documents scan copies via email to us to enable us process an Invitation Letter which would enable him/her obtain Visa in his/her country. claim deadline for this option is exactly 30 working days from today.

Inability for beneficiary(s) to meet up with this stipulated date either due to tight schedule, Official duties/engagement etc. may result to claim disqualification as funds will be re-used for other subsequent sweepstakes. This option is recommended to all our beneficiaries to clear doubts and unnecessary thinking as regard this Promo. This is because we have had series of complaints from individuals that people are using our company name for various forms of indecent acts. Thus, as a result of this we are advising our lucky beneficiaries to come over to our disbursement office here in UK for personal prize pickup at no cost.

2 - Bank to Bank Transfer:
Beneficiaries who can't come down for personal Prize (Cheque) Pickup and wishes to have his/her prize via Bank transfer shall be referred to our affiliated Bank in-charge of international fund transfer . This option is an alternative mode of payment basically arranged by the entire GoogleUk giveaway team for international beneficiaries who may not be able to travel down to UK maybe due to tight schedule, Official duties/engagement, none availability of travel documents etc. which may result result to claim disqualification as previously mentioned above.

Note that the Give-Away Team UK exempts itself from all related expenses when making use of this option, Our duty under this option is to deposit your prize Cheque (after issuance has been made in your favour) along with all claim backup documents (to be processed by this office) with our affiliated Bank for clearance and remittance to be carried out to your nominated bank account. This option is liable, affordable and basically designs for international beneficiaries who cannot visit us for person prize pickup.

***Fill out the required information below and send it back along with a scan copy of your Passport,Driver's license or any accepted ID ***

First Name :......................................................................................
Middle Name :....................................................................................
Last Name : ......................................................................................
Date of Birth(YYY-MM-DD) :...................................................................
Sex/Occupation :................................................................................
Marital Status :...................................................................................
ADDRESS :.........................................................................................
City/State/Province :............................................................................
Country of Resident/Nationality:..............................................................
Telephone Number(s): .........................................................................
Mobile Number(s):...............................................................................
Fax Number(s):...................................................................................
Winning E-mail: ..................................................................................
Alternate E-mail:..................................................................................
Date of Notification:..............................................................................
Ticket/ Lucky Number:..........................................................................

Payment Option/Preferred Mode Of Payment.
Option 1: Personal Presentation {Yes/No} :..................
Option 2: Bank to Bank transfer {Yes/No} :.................

We advice you on at this point to keep this information confidential until your prize is completely redeemed by you ,This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and impersonation by an unauthorized persons or companies which may automatically disqualify you from your prize claim.

Get back to us within 72hours to avoid disqualification, Congratulations from all Team.

Payment Officer
Google Giveaway Team UK.

neviem co si mam o tom mysliet. rad by som pocul vase nazory na to, alebo nejaky kontakt na google kde by som mohol zistit nejake informacie o tom.


Skúsený užívateľ
Skúsený užívateľ
G o o g l e   Promotion 2012

Registrovaný: 24.01.08
Prihlásený: 13.09.17
Príspevky: 14572
Témy: 66 | 66
Bydlisko: Žilina
NapísalOffline : 01.02.2012 13:26 | G o o g l e Promotion 2012

Naozaj to má zmysel komentovať? :lol:


http://www.hoax-slayer.com/google-promo ... scam.shtml
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 936AA62wQt
http://www.fraudwatchers.org/forums/sho ... hp?t=34417

... otázka sekundy googlovania :) Naozaj si myslíš, že by si takýmto spôsobom mohol vyhrať takú sumu?

C#, PHP, ...

G o o g l e   Promotion 2012

Registrovaný: 27.04.06
Prihlásený: 16.01.25
Príspevky: 2145
Témy: 236 | 236
Bydlisko: Topolčany
Napísal autor témyOffline : 01.02.2012 13:30 | G o o g l e Promotion 2012

keby som veril ze som vyhral asi by som tam uz davno odpisal.. ja len snazim zistit zdroj tohoto vsetkeho, nic viac..


G o o g l e   Promotion 2012

Registrovaný: 06.04.08
Príspevky: 4396
Témy: 111 | 111
Bydlisko: NR
NapísalOffline : 01.02.2012 13:31 | G o o g l e Promotion 2012

keby to bola pravda tak uz som milionar, takych emailov mi chod tucet do tyzdna.


G o o g l e   Promotion 2012

Registrovaný: 03.04.08
Prihlásený: 10.12.19
Príspevky: 4667
Témy: 37 | 37
Bydlisko: Trnava
NapísalOffline : 01.02.2012 14:38 | G o o g l e Promotion 2012

G o o g l e   Promotion 2012

Hmmm .... Hrošíček ... [Homer]
 [ Príspevkov: 5 ] 

G o o g l e Promotion 2012

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