našiel som rozdiely, GA-MA790X-UD3P ma navyše:
Blu-ray playback supported by high quality 106dB SNR ALC889A HD audio
Support for Dolby Home Theater
a má novší LAN čip
ale to sú len drobné detaily
OK, dik.
A este sa spytam, kebyze som chcel upgrade stavajuce PC na uz spominany AMD Athlon X2 II 250 3.0GHz + GA-MA790X-UD3P + Novy HDD 320GB (pravdepodobne WD), stacil by mi terajsi zdroj? Fortron 400W?
S tym ze by som ten stary HDD uz nepouzival.. A v buducnosti by pribudly 4GB RAM..
Asi by uz nestacil, ze jo?
Stacit ti urcite bude,pokial teda nebudes menit grafiku za nejaku extremne zravu.
_________________ 92% of teens have moved onto rap or hip-hop. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.
Ten Athlon ma nizucku spotrebu,karta tak isto,takze ano,aj ked tam das 4 HDD a taktovat mozes kolko chces a stale budes mat aj slusnu rezervu.
_________________ 92% of teens have moved onto rap or hip-hop. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.
Myslim,ze ano.Nie je tam este ani Phenom 2 X2 550,cize jedine dve dvojjadra z AM3 socketu,asi este nie su dopisane,ale pockal by som kym tam budu
_________________ 92% of teens have moved onto rap or hip-hop. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.
Na tej doske co chces ho dostanes(aspon podla recenzii)na neakych 3.6-3.8 Ghz a myslim ze tam rozdiel oproti tomu co mas teraz citit budes.Hlavne v hernych testoch dopadol velmi dobre.
_________________ 92% of teens have moved onto rap or hip-hop. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.