feips píše:
som adnim siete ale nie na serwery, teda na server pristup nemam ale da lokalnom pocitaci sa prihlasim ako admin
Takze si len lokalny admin, cize nic...
1. Potrebujes byt administartor na cielovom pc (ktore chces resetnut) to dokazes iba ked su pc v domene a ty si clenom skupiny "domain admins" ktora je automaticky clenom skupiny "administrators" na kazdom pc v domene.
2. Cielovy PC nesmie mat zapnuty firewall
3. Pouzijes prikaz shutdown
Usage: shutdown [-i | -l | -s | -r | -a] [-f] [-m \\computername] [-t xx] [-c "c
omment"] [-d up:xx:yy]
No args Display this message (same as -?)
-i Display GUI interface, must be the first option
-l Log off (cannot be used with -m option)
-s Shutdown the computer
-r Shutdown and restart the computer
-a Abort a system shutdown
-m \\computername Remote computer to shutdown/restart/abort
-t xx Set timeout for shutdown to xx seconds
-c "comment" Shutdown comment (maximum of 127 characters)
-f Forces running applications to close without war
-d [u][p]:xx:yy The reason code for the shutdown
u is the user code
p is a planned shutdown code
xx is the major reason code (positive integer le
ss than 256)
yy is the minor reason code (positive integer le
ss than 65536)