vytvoril som VPN na mikrotiku L2TP/IPsec protokolom.
Mam taky problem, ze niektory ludia sa pripoja v pohode a niektory nie - Windows 10. Cez android to ide tiez v pohode.
Pri pokuse u niektorych mi pise v logu:
ipsec, error failed to pre-process ph2 packet.
ipsec, error failed to pre-process ph2 packet.
ipsec, error failed to pre-process ph2 packet.
ipsec, error failed to pre-process ph2 packet.
ipsec, error failed to pre-process ph2 packet.
ipsec, error phase1 negotiation failed die to time up xx.xx.xx.xx[500] <=> xx.xx.xx.xx[29073]1dc8n465e94s6aef:4083a96980885ff()Nastavoval som to pomocouo toho navodu:
https://babcuvpisecek.com/sitarina/jak-nastavit-l2tp-ipsec-vpn-na-zarizenich-mikrotik-funkcni-step-by-step-navod/vedel by mi niekto poradit? Trapim sa stym uz nejaky ten den. Dik