_________________ "It took a lot of work, but this latest Linux patch enables support for machines with 4096 CPUs, up from the old limit of 1024." "Do you have support for smooth full-screen flash video yet?" "No, but who uses that?"
- ak dlho neodpisujem do témy, zabudol som na ňu, takže ma upozornite SS, ak chcete moju odpoveď
ale ozve sa.... aspon dufam, som zvedavy velmi, ako dopadol..
(dik, je to moja kocka)
_________________ "It took a lot of work, but this latest Linux patch enables support for machines with 4096 CPUs, up from the old limit of 1024." "Do you have support for smooth full-screen flash video yet?" "No, but who uses that?"
- ak dlho neodpisujem do témy, zabudol som na ňu, takže ma upozornite SS, ak chcete moju odpoveď