Skusal si to podla tohoto? su tam 4 moznosti ja som raz nastavoval nejaky netgear u suseda a adresa a pod nefungovali prihlasit sa dalo len cez ten
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How do I log into my router?
Connect a computer to the NETGEAR router and launch a web browser.
Visit If does not work, try the following: do I log in to my NETGEAR home router?
You are prompted to enter a username and password. Enter the following default login credentials:
Note: username and password are both case sensitive
Username: admin
Password: password
Note: If the default login credentials do not work, you might have changed the admin password. If you cannot remember your new password, you must perform a factory reset to restore the router to its factory default settings. For more information, see Restoring a NETGEAR home router to the factory default settings.