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Registrovaný: 26.05.05
Prihlásený: 31.10.09
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Bydlisko: UK, London
NapísalOffline : 18.09.2005 5:30 | NO COMMENT

1. After Michael O'Neil opened O'Neil's Saloon, he was promptly
informed by the state liquor authority that he was breaking the
law by using the word "saloon." He complied by changing the "S"
into a "B," thus making it O'Neil's Baloon.

2. Although the French wine, "Fat Bastard," is now distributed in 22 states in the US. both Texas and Ohio have banned its sale within
their borders.

3. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BAFT) bans the word "refreshing" to describe any alcohol beverage.

4. A young adult college student studying in Italy can't have a glass of Chianti with dinner, according to the Drug Free Schools and
Campuses Act. Students under the age of 21 are prohibited by the
federal government from conforming to the drinking laws and
customs of the countries in which they are studying. This, of
course, is contrary to the educational goals underlying
international education or study abroad programs.

5. It is a violation of the California Alcoholic Beverage Control Act
for producers of alcohol beverages to list the names of retailers
or restaurants that sell their products in advertising or even in

6. A person can be sent to jail for five years for merely sending a
bottle of beer, wine or spirits as a gift to a friend in Kentucky.

7. Maryland now requires that alcohol beverage writers be certified as experts by an agency of the state before they can receive
product samples, which it limits to three bottles per brand.

8. Anyone under the age of 21 who takes out household trash
containing even a single empty alcohol beverage container can be
charged with illegal possession of alcohol in Missouri.

9. If a law enforcement officer is having a drink in a bar in Iowa
and an employee pours water down the drain, the water is legally
considered an alcohol beverage intended for unlawful purposes.

10. Don't plan on running a "tab" in Iowa; it's illegal.

11. Druggists in Connecticut must pay $400.00 each year for a license in order to use alcohol in compounding prescriptions.

12. No alcohol beverages can be displayed within five feet of a cash register of any store in California that sells both alcohol and motor fuel.

13. It's illegal in Michigan for a person under the age of 21 to give
a gift of alcohol beverage to anyone, even to a person of legal age.

14. A server in California can be convicted of selling to a minor if
the purchaser uses a false or altered ID to buy the alcohol.

15. An owner or employee of an establishment in Iowa that sells
alcohol can't legally consume a drink there after closing for

16. Public intoxication is a crime in Pennsylvania but specifically
not a crime in Minnesota.

17. It's illegal in New Jersey for parents to give their children
under the age of 18 even a sip of alcohol.

18. Permitting diners to take home an unfinished bottle of alcohol
beverage, rather than consuming it all before leaving to prevent
"waste," encourages moderation and discourages intoxication.
However, this is prohibited in Michigan.

19. The entire Encyclopedia Britannica is banned in Texas because it contains a recipe for making beer that can be used at home.

20. It's illegal in Indiana for liquor stores to sell milk or cold soft drinks. They can, however, sell uinrefrigerated soft drinks.

21. Texas state law prohibits taking more than three sips of beer at a time while standing.

22. Nebraska state law prohibits bars from selling beer unless they
are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.

23. State law of North Dakota prohibits serving beer and pretzels at the same time in any bar or restaurant.

24. In Houston, Texas, beer many not be purchased after midnight on Sunday, but can be purchased anytime on Monday...which happens to begin right after midnight on Sunday! So it's illegal to buy it

Law Breaker?
Mark Phillips of Alexandria, Virginia, was arrested
for selling a single bottle of Chateau Lafite
Rothschild wine to an undercover agent in an Alcohol
Beverage Control (ABC) board sting.
Phillips, as leader of a local wine club had agreed to
post the offer on the club's web site on behalf of a
member of the diplomatic service who needed to dispose
of that bottle and a few others in preparation for an
overseas tour of duty for the United States.
In making the arrest, ABC appeared at Phillips' house
with a dozen armed officers and held the accused and
his family under guard while officers searched the
house. They threatened to confiscate Phillips' entire
personal wine collection, not just the few bottles he
offered for sale on behalf of a friend.
The case was dismissed on a technicality, but had
Phillips been convicted of selling alcohol without a
liscence, he could have faced one year in jail and a
$2,500 fine. 29

25. Colorado law requires that wine be sold in containers of at least

24 ounces and spirits in containers at least a fifth of a gallon.
But, at the same time, it also decrees that no alcohol beverage
can be stored in hotel minibars in anything larger than miniature

26. If you are intoxicated but not driving your car, but the person
who is driving your car is intoxicated, both you and the driver
can be charged with DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol)
in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

27. Don't plan on using any of the celebratory Champagne bottle sizes known as Methuselahs, Salamanazars, Balthazars or Nebuchadnezzars.
These very traditional Champagne bottle sizes are all illegal in

28. Some states and other jurisdictions within the US require that the interior of public drinking establishments be visible from the
street, whereas other specifically prohibit that; some insist that
food be available wherever drinks are served, whereas other make
that illegal; and some require that anyone drinking stand at a
bar, whereas others mandate that they be seated while drinking. 28

29. Ohio state law prohibits getting a fish drunk.

30. In Fairbanks, Alaska, it's illegal to feed a mouse any alcohol

31. It's illegal to sit on any street curb in St. Louis, Missouri, and
drink beer from a bucket.

32. Drunk drivers in San Salvador can be punished by death before a firing squad.

33. In Saskatchewan, Canada, it's illegal to drink alcohol while
watching exotic dancers.

34. In the 1940's, California law made it illegal to serve alcohol to
a homosexual person.

Týmto potvrdzujem, že odovzdávam do entity menom štát, právomoc uvaliť na mňa akékoľvek pravidlá, a žiadať odo mňa akékoľvek veľké obete. Či už peňažné (dane) alebo aj fyzické (vojna). Na oplátku požadujem od štátu, aby mi dodal služby aké si sám zvolí, v kvalite a množstve aké sám uzná za vhodné. A raz za niekoľko rokov si nárokujem na možnosť, dať celý svoj bezvýznamný hlas tým u ktorých budem mať pocit, že ma budú najmenej okrádať.

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Registrovaný: 31.08.05
Prihlásený: 06.11.15
Príspevky: 133
Témy: 30 | 30
NapísalOffline : 18.09.2005 7:25 | NO COMMENT

Toto je husteeeeeee :-D .S kade to mas?


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Registrovaný: 15.06.05
Prihlásený: 28.11.19
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Témy: 115 | 115
Bydlisko: Košice Bydl...
NapísalOffline : 18.09.2005 17:36 | NO COMMENT

tiez som sa dost nasmial :lol:

Asus P5KC, E8400 @4.5GHz Thermaright Ultra 120 Extreme, 2x2GB Vitesta EE, Asus Matrix 4850 Accelero S1 + S12B FLX
AC Fusion 550R, Coolermaster Elite 330 + 2x S12B FLX, Razer Lachesis, Z-2300


Registrovaný: 26.05.05
Prihlásený: 31.10.09
Príspevky: 652
Témy: 37 | 37
Bydlisko: UK, London
Napísal autor témyOffline : 18.09.2005 21:15 | NO COMMENT

1. Barr, Andrew. Drink: A Social History of America. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1999, p. 381.

2. Click, Jerry. Bastards are Here! Wine Trader, T(3), 1999, 57-58.

3. Mead, Jerry. The Wine Curmedgeon. The Wine Trader, Q(6).

4. Epstein, Joelo C., Study abroad programs: No respite from the Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act, SAFETI On-Line Newsletter (www.usc.edu/dept/education/globaled/safeti/abroad.html), January 21, 2000).

5. Mead, Jerry, The Wine Curmudgeon, Wine Trader T(3), 1999, 7-10.

6. Mead, Jerry, The Wine Curmudgeon, Wine Trader. Q(6).

7. Mead, Jerry, The Wine Curmudgeon, Wine Trader, Q(6).

8. Missouri Revised Statistics (311.325).

9. Iowa Code (123.120).

10. Iowa Code (123, 49-2-c).

11. General Statutes of Connecticut (Title 3, sec. 30-36).

12. California Alcohol Beverage Control Act (23790.5-d).

13. Michigan Liquor Control Code (436.1207-c).

14. California Alcohol Control Act (25660).

15. Iowa Code (123.49-2-b-k), Iowa Administrative Code (1850).

16. Pennsylvania Crime Code (Title 18); Minnesota Statutes 1999 (340A.902).

17. New Jersy Alcohol Beverage Control Law (Title 33).

18. Michigan Liquor Control Code (436.2021).


20.Chap. 10, Liquor Dealer Permits. IC 7.1-3-10-5, Sec. 5.





25.Prial, F. J. Strange But True Tales From the Annals of Drinking Laws. New York Times, March 11, 1998; www.marksquires.com/wine-fp.htm


27. Florida Statutes

28. Heath, D.B. Drinking Occasions: Comparative Perspectives on Alcohol and Culture. Philadelphia, PA: Brunner/Mazel, 2000, p. 53.

29. Mead, Jerry, Be careful out there, Wine Trader, T(3), 1999, p. 10.

30. www.dumblaws.com/states/ohio.html

31. Fairbanks Daily News Miner, cited in www.funtrivia.com

32. www.dumblaws.com/states/missouri.html

33. www.absolutetrivia.com

34. Saskatchewan Provincial Statutes, cited in www.funtrivia.com

35. www.uselessknowledge.com

Týmto potvrdzujem, že odovzdávam do entity menom štát, právomoc uvaliť na mňa akékoľvek pravidlá, a žiadať odo mňa akékoľvek veľké obete. Či už peňažné (dane) alebo aj fyzické (vojna). Na oplátku požadujem od štátu, aby mi dodal služby aké si sám zvolí, v kvalite a množstve aké sám uzná za vhodné. A raz za niekoľko rokov si nárokujem na možnosť, dať celý svoj bezvýznamný hlas tým u ktorých budem mať pocit, že ma budú najmenej okrádať.


Registrovaný: 25.02.07
Prihlásený: 13.06.12
Príspevky: 326
Témy: 53 | 53
NapísalOffline : 08.03.2007 10:16 | NO COMMENT

Tommy píše:

:lol: ale je to poamaly dlhsie jak roman...ale haluzaaa:D

/spirit: Laskavo nepouzivaj quote ked te nevies :roll:

AMD Athlon XP 1800+ (1.53 Ghz), HDD 80GB Seagate Barracuda, RAM 512 MB, nVidia Geforce4 MX440 128 MB AGP8x

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Registrovaný: 08.03.07
Prihlásený: 26.02.10
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NapísalOffline : 08.03.2007 13:39 | NO COMMENT

very goood

Intel Pentium 4 630 3,0 GHz, RAM 1024 MB DDR2 , HDD 200GB + 80GB Western Digital, nVidia GeForce 6600 GT 128 MB

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Registrovaný: 15.06.05
Prihlásený: 24.12.23
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Témy: 37 | 37
Bydlisko: czech republik
NapísalOffline : 15.03.2007 19:36 | NO COMMENT

Ještě by to chtělo přeložit do češtiny, nebo slovenštiny. Může být i rusky, polsky, srbsky. :) (... aby si početli i dříve narození :) )

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