Cafte tak mám galériu ale neviem si rady z obrázkami skusal som cez br ale nepomholo furt mi to rozhodilo
Takto to je teraz
A takto chcem aby to bolo cize aby bol ten podpis a ten delete pod obrazkom...
A takto to mam zadefinovane
$sql = mysql_query("select * from fotky where category = '".$cat."' AND album = '".$album."'");
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
echo "<a href='components/com_gallery/imgs/".$data["path"]."' target='_blank'><img src='components/com_gallery/imgs/".$data["path"]."' height='120' width='120' border='1' /></a>";
echo " ".$data["desc"] . " ";
if ($owner) {
echo "<a href='?q=gallery&cat=".$cat."&album=".$album."&action=delete&photo=".$data["id"]."'>[X]</a> ";