Viem že táto téma tu už bola, preto sa vopred ospraveldňujem ale mne to problém nevyriešilo! Mám grafickú kartu Intel(R) 82815 Graphic Controller Nefungujú mi viaceré hry ako napríklad MOHAA, Call of Duty (pri tejto hre mi nypíše chybu:
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
Your video card appears to be missing one or more features required to run Call of Duty.
You should install the latest drivers for your video card, being sure to uninstall the old drivers first. If you already have the latest drivers, you should completely uninstall the drivers and then reinstall them. This fixes most problems. If the game still doesn't work, it may be that your video card does not have the minimum features required. Please check the readme for more information, including a list of supported video cards.)
Mal som vždy problémi s OpenGl aj pri hre CS1.6.
Prosím o radu či nemám nainštalovať nejaký iný driver alebo ja neviem. Dakujem