Nazdar ludia pocujte mam problem mam jedno male forko a snazil som sa tam nahodit phpbb plus ale nejak mi to vyhadzuje chyby zaprve v administracii kde dam polozku plus...tak mi to vyhodi Template->make_filename(): Error - file admin/plus_config_body.tpl does not exist alebo prei stastics mi vyhodi
Warning: main() [function.main.php]: Unable to access ./../language/lang_slovak/lang_statistics.php in /home/free/ on line 61
Warning: main(./../language/lang_slovak/lang_statistics.php) [function.main.php]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/free/ on line 61
Warning: main() [function.include.php]: Failed opening './../language/lang_slovak/lang_statistics.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php/smarty/libs:/usr/share/php/iclib/:/usr/share/fpdf:/usr/share/php/') in /home/free/ on line 61
Template->make_filename(): Error - file statistics.tpl does not exist
co to sakra moze byt???stiahol som totizto cele forum z netu ale full hacked skopiroval som si tam vsetko co som tam nemal snazil aj nainstalovat ale vkuse to hadze chybu pri instalacii Unable to create table: phpbb_flags in database! tak co vie nikto poradit pls