Takže ak som to dobre pochopil rozdelím to na tieto 3 súbory:
#include <curses.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "ppong.h"
struct ppball the_ball ;
/** the main loop **/
void set_up();
void wrap_up();
int main()
int c;
while ( ( c = getchar()) != 'Q' ){
if ( c == 'f' ) the_ball.x_ttm--;
else if ( c == 's' ) the_ball.x_ttm++;
else if ( c == 'F' ) the_ball.y_ttm--;
else if ( c == 'S' ) the_ball.y_ttm++;
void set_up()
* init structure and other stuff
void ball_move(int);
the_ball.y_pos = Y_INIT;
the_ball.x_pos = X_INIT;
the_ball.y_ttg = the_ball.y_ttm = Y_TTM ;
the_ball.x_ttg = the_ball.x_ttm = X_TTM ;
the_ball.y_dir = 10 ;
the_ball.x_dir = 10 ;
the_ball.symbol = DFL_SYMBOL ;
signal( SIGINT , SIG_IGN );
mvaddch( the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, the_ball.symbol );
signal( SIGALRM, ball_move );
set_ticker( 1000 / TICKS_PER_SEC ); /* send millisecs per tick */
void wrap_up()
set_ticker( 0 );
endwin(); /* put back to normal */
void ball_move(int signum)
int y_cur, x_cur, moved;
signal( SIGALRM , SIG_IGN ); /* dont get caught now */
y_cur = the_ball.y_pos ; /* old spot */
x_cur = the_ball.x_pos ;
moved = 0 ;
if ( the_ball.y_ttm > 0 && the_ball.y_ttg-- == 1 ){
the_ball.y_pos += the_ball.y_dir ; /* move */
the_ball.y_ttg = the_ball.y_ttm ; /* reset*/
moved = 1;
if ( the_ball.x_ttm > 0 && the_ball.x_ttg-- == 1 ){
the_ball.x_pos += the_ball.x_dir ; /* move */
the_ball.x_ttg = the_ball.x_ttm ; /* reset*/
moved = 1;
if ( moved ){
mvaddch( y_cur, x_cur, BLANK );
mvaddch( y_cur, x_cur, BLANK );
mvaddch( the_ball.y_pos, the_ball.x_pos, the_ball.symbol );
bounce_or_lose( &the_ball );
signal( SIGALRM, ball_move); /* for unreliable systems */
int bounce_or_lose(struct ppball *bp)
int return_val = 0 ;
if ( bp->y_pos == TOP_ROW ){
bp->y_dir = 1 ;
return_val = 1 ;
} else if ( bp->y_pos == BOT_ROW ){
bp->y_dir = -1 ;
return_val = 1;
if ( bp->x_pos == LEFT_EDGE ){
bp->x_dir = 1 ;
return_val = 1 ;
} else if ( bp->x_pos == RIGHT_EDGE ){
bp->x_dir = -1;
return_val = 1;
return return_val;
Ten uložím ako ppong.c
#define BLANK ' '
#define DFL_SYMBOL 'o'
#define TOP_ROW 5
#define BOT_ROW 20
#define LEFT_EDGE 10
#define RIGHT_EDGE 70
#define X_INIT 10 /* starting col */
#define Y_INIT 10 /* starting row */
#define TICKS_PER_SEC 50 /* affects speed */
#define X_TTM 5
#define Y_TTM 8
/** the ping pong ball **/
struct ppball {
int y_pos, x_pos,
y_ttm, x_ttm,
y_ttg, x_ttg,
y_dir, x_dir;
char symbol ;
} ;
Tento ako ppong.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <signal.h>
* set_ticker.c
* set_ticker( number_of_milliseconds )
* arranges for the interval timer to issue
* SIGALRM's at regular intervals
* returns -1 on error, 0 for ok
* arg in milliseconds, converted into micro seoncds
set_ticker( n_msecs )
struct itimerval new_timeset;
long n_sec, n_usecs;
n_sec = n_msecs / 1000 ;
n_usecs = ( n_msecs % 1000 ) * 1000L ;
new_timeset.it_interval.tv_sec = n_sec; /* set reload */
new_timeset.it_interval.tv_usec = n_usecs; /* new ticker value */
new_timeset.it_value.tv_sec = n_sec ; /* store this */
new_timeset.it_value.tv_usec = n_usecs ; /* and this */
return setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &new_timeset, NULL);
A toto ako set_ticker.c
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