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Autor | Správa |
Registrovaný: 01.08.08 Prihlásený: 21.05.09 Príspevky: 12 Témy: 4 | 4 |
prosim poradte, stale mi vypisuje ten isty syntaxovy error unexpected T_VARIABLE, neviem si poradit ...tu je ten riadok
Kód: $rt = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `characters` WHERE guid='$friend'") or die ('Error: '.mysql_error.' ());
Registrovaný: 30.05.06 Prihlásený: 08.10.14 Príspevky: 1756 Témy: 35 | 35 Bydlisko: BA - WESTSIDE |
Pozri sa o riadok vyššie, či ho máš správne ukončený bodkočiarkou.
A. S. Tanenbaum píše: The terms LF, MF, and HF refer to low, medium, and high frequency, respectively. Clearly, when the names were assigned, nobody expected to go above 10 MHz, so the higher bands were later named the Very, Ultra, Super, Extremely, and Tremendously High Frequency bands. Beyond that there are no names, but Incredibly, Astonishingly, and Prodigiously high frequency (IHF, AHF, and PHF) would sound nice. |
Registrovaný: 01.08.08 Prihlásený: 21.05.09 Príspevky: 12 Témy: 4 | 4 | |
Registrovaný: 30.05.06 Prihlásený: 08.10.14 Príspevky: 1756 Témy: 35 | 35 Bydlisko: BA - WESTSIDE |
Tak daj celý kód, takéto chyby síce majú označený riadok výskytu, ale príčina je takmer vždy na inom riadku.
A. S. Tanenbaum píše: The terms LF, MF, and HF refer to low, medium, and high frequency, respectively. Clearly, when the names were assigned, nobody expected to go above 10 MHz, so the higher bands were later named the Very, Ultra, Super, Extremely, and Tremendously High Frequency bands. Beyond that there are no names, but Incredibly, Astonishingly, and Prodigiously high frequency (IHF, AHF, and PHF) would sound nice. |
Registrovaný: 01.08.08 Prihlásený: 21.05.09 Príspevky: 12 Témy: 4 | 4 |
Kód: <?php include("config.php"); include("lib_player.php");
$nick=$_GET["nick"]; $player=new player();
$rs=mysql_query("SELECT friend,note FROM `character_social` WHERE guid='$guid' AND flags=1") or die ('Error: '.mysql_error.' ());
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { $friend=$row["friend"]; $note=$row["note"];
$rt=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `characters` WHERE guid='$friend'") or die ('Error: '.mysql_error.' ());
while ( $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($rt)) {
echo $player->GetNick($friend); } mysql_free_result($rt); } mysql_free_result($rs); } ?>
Registrovaný: 30.05.06 Prihlásený: 08.10.14 Príspevky: 1756 Témy: 35 | 35 Bydlisko: BA - WESTSIDE |
Á, tak nakoniec to bolo v tom vypísanom riadku, len som si to nevšimol. Správne je ten riadok takto:
Kód: $rt = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `characters` WHERE guid='$friend'") or die ('Error: '.mysql_error());
A. S. Tanenbaum píše: The terms LF, MF, and HF refer to low, medium, and high frequency, respectively. Clearly, when the names were assigned, nobody expected to go above 10 MHz, so the higher bands were later named the Very, Ultra, Super, Extremely, and Tremendously High Frequency bands. Beyond that there are no names, but Incredibly, Astonishingly, and Prodigiously high frequency (IHF, AHF, and PHF) would sound nice. |
Registrovaný: 01.08.08 Prihlásený: 21.05.09 Príspevky: 12 Témy: 4 | 4 |
Stránka: 1 z 1
| [ Príspevkov: 7 ] | |