ked mas jednu velku particiu a chces ju rozdelit tak pomocou partition magic vo Win, ju zmenis a co si ubral s velkej spravis novu a naformatujes ju na aky suborovy system potrebuujes...
_________________ nemam rad ludi ktori hladaju dovody preco by to neslo .. ale krasni su ludia ktori hladaju dovody akoby to slo ....
No ved presne to mozes docielit pouzitim toho softu Partition Magic, ako uz spominal zmija31. Inak, spravne je particia, nie patricia.
_________________ Empty your memory, with a free()… like a pointer! If you cast a pointer to an integer, it becomes the integer, if you cast a pointer to a struct, it becomes the struct… The pointer can crash…, and can overflow… Be a pointer my friend…