A starsiu verziu nainstalovat ide uplne v pohode? O problemoch s alc662 drivermi som nasiel zatial narychlo toto:
http://forums.majorgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=167591 Mozno pomoze ta obnova systemu z bodu obnovy, ako sa tam pise, alebo skusit disablovat zvukovku v biose a kompletne odstranit ovladace a aj vsetko spojene so zvukom na spravcovi hardwaru a nainstalovat tie ovladace. Alebo mozes skusit tie ovladace stiahnut z ineho zdroja. Odkial si ich stahoval? Nevysla uz novsia verzia tych ovladacov?
edit: a nasiel som na googli aj toto:
Encounter driver install error 0xE0000227 with Realtek ALC662 (WinXP)?
Problem: During installation of the audio driver (the one from the motherboard site as well as the Realtek site), the installation gets nearly to the end where it pops up an error ("Realtek HD Audio Driver installation failed / [Error Code: 0xE0000227]"), after which the installer quits.
Solution: Open 'regedit' (Start -> Run), search for 'enum'. There should be two occurrences. Both will have a subfolder called 'HDAudio'. Delete both HDAudio folders (one may require changing the permissions on it). At this point you should be able to install the driver. Have Windows search for new hardware. It should detect the audio device as though it has never seen it before, and install the drivers for it. You may need t reboot twice in order for XP to fully redetect the driver.
Je to odtialto:
Dufam, ze vies dobre po anglicky (neviem velmi dobre prekladat, ale vyrozumel som, ze v registroch treba najst nejaky "enum" a vyhladavanie by malo hodit dva vysledky a kazdy z nich bude mat podzlozku nazvanu HDaudio. Tie podzlozky treba vymazat, pricom jedna si bude ziadat zmenit pristupove prava. Potom by uz instaklacia mala ist OK. Staci spustit hladanie noveho hardwaru a vsetko sa nainstaluje. Bude treba asi 2x rebootovat win aby sa driver detekoval uplne - ale nedal by som ruku do ohna za tento preklad