Ako spravit aby sa mi zobrazovali v rss citacke nove prispevky? je to mod alebo take nieco??? ak ano tak mi sem pls hodte link nvm ani jak sa vola ani ci je to mod nic
RSS 2.0 and Atom 0.3 Feed for phpBB with Add-On Feature rich RSS 2.0 and Atom 0.3 feed for your phpBB.
RSS Feed Version: 2.2.4
Mod Features:
HTTP headers: If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match
gzip compression
WWW-Authenticate for private forums
RSS 2.0 and Atom 0.3 formats
Last Visit MOD and Who Viewed topic Mod
For URL's the following arguments may be optionally passed (as applicable):
f=x - forum id. Use data only from this forum to output RSS.
t=1 - only new topics (first messages in topic). Default - 0.
c=x - feed items count. If omitted, the value of DEFAULT_ITEMS constant (defined in mod's code) will be used. Admin can limit the maximal possible value of x by setting MAX_ITEMS constant at the beginning of mod's code.
topic=x - use data only from topic number 'x'
styled - use XSLT style for RSS output
nolimit - turn off "If-Modified-Since" record limit (by default)
atom - generate atom 0.3 feed instead of rss 2.0
login - turn WWW-Authenticate on. May not work on some hosts.
uid=x - set user id for WWW-Authenticate. Use it instead of "login" for Opera or Mozilla for cyrillic nicknames. You could than use any text for login but correct password in dialog box.