no rozlisenia mas to iste aj v nastaveniach obrazovky a v zozname vsetkych rezimov len to tam je detalnejsie rozpisane ,
a ten odkaz co si dal mi ukaze len uvodnu obrazovku s download a inac zo stranky som stiahol ovladace presne pre moju graficku pre OS XP , ako som uz pisal aj hore najnovsi ovladac 2010 nefunguje a ten predchadzajuci z roku 2009 ide lenze rozlisenie 1440x900 neponuka , dalej som sa docital zo stranky sis ze aby bolo rozlisenie 1440x900 musim updatenut bios , lenze neviem ako nato , pretoze nikde som nenasiel ten vhodny bios pre moju graficku kartu, takze neviem ako dalej ,
Why my SiS Integrated Graphic can not support 1440x900 resolution?
If your SiS integrated graphic (SiS650 series, SiS661 series, SiS740, SiS741 series, and SiS760 series) can not support 19" WXGA for 1440x900 resolution, you may check some information below:
1. Update the latest UniVGA3 driver, you may download from Download Center.
2. Check your VBIOS version, go to "Control Pannel"->"Display"->"Settings"->"Advanced"->"Administrator"->"Product information", and you can see the VBIOS information, please check if it is updated to 2.28.00 or later.
3. If your VBIOS version is not 2.28.00 or later, you have to update your BIOS, please contact your board maker or system provider to get BIOS update support.