Ahojte, kupil som tuto dosku z asbisu:
http://online.asbis.sk/intel-dp67ba-soc ... 41144.html
Na alze som sa docital toto:
http://www.alza.sk/msi-p67s-c43-d204929.htm (je to sice ku MSI doske, ale platilo to aj pre stare revizie dosky ktoru som kupil).
Podla kodu v asbise: INBLKDP67BAB3 som usudil, ze ide o reviziu B3
Dalej som cital na stranke intelu:
http://www.intel.com/cs_CZ/consumer/pro ... hipset.htm hlavne tato cast: In the Device Manager window, scroll down and expand System Devices. The screenshot below is an example of what you should look for to identify your chipset or to see if you have devices on SATA ports 2–5. If Intel® 6 Series is listed, you may be affected.
Podla toho mi vychadza, ze tato doska "may be affected"
http://www.upnito.sk/0/cd9dc7ahjtjm6qe9 ... uqka8p.png
Teraz si celkom nie som isty, kedze ide o novu dosku a nechce sa mi verit, ze by mali na sklade este veci z februara (vtedy sa prislo na problem). Takisto na doske som videl cislo (datum) 20110421... z toho som usudil, ze doska bola vyrobena v aprili. Mal som ju zabalenu v BULK baleni, cize ani knizka, ani krabica...
A nepomohlo mi ani toto, kedze neviem co je s-spec marking:
Is there a way I can tell an Intel® 6 Series Express Chipset B2 stepping from a B3 stepping?
The most accurate way to identify a B2 stepping from a B3 stepping is to read the S-Spec markings on the top of the Chipset, and either:
Match up the S-Spec number to the stepping information published in the Intel® 6 Series Chipset Specification Update (PDF 85KB).
Enter the S-Spec number in the "Search for product specifications" on the products page.
Budem vdacny za kazdu radu. Doska bola objednana cez internet, tak tusim nejakych 30 dni mam na vratenie bez udania dovodu. Alebo len 7 dni??? Vdaka.