este som nieco nasiel napriklad tu je ... ature.html ze "Google's optimum temperature for hard drives is
between 35C and 40C" - a neviem ci vies ale google je znamy tym ze pouziva bezne lacne pocitace s beznymi diskami - takze vedia co robia ked ich udrzuju v takej teplote, asi je fakt nad 50 vela...
edit: ale je tam aj to ze pod 35 je zas malo takze aj na to pozor (teda to tvrdia statistiky od google)
“According to manufactures, the normal recommended working temperature of a hard disk is 35-40°С. Once it rises by just 10°С – from 40°С to 50°С, the safety of its work becomes more than two times less!”
to je zas z dalsieho fora.