brmbulko123 píše:
ale to je celkova spotreba celeho pc nie procesora samotneho
X2 250 ma spotrebu 65W
brmbulko123, mas pravdu to nie je 312watt load ale to je celkova spotreba celeho pc nie procesora samotneho.
uz som nasiel:
Power Consumption
The new AM3 Athlon II X3 processor announced today has a fairly high TDP (peak wattage), this is 95W. Let's monitor what we get returned in full PC power consumption with the system in IDLE and with all the CPU cores stressed.
Power Consumption: Athlon II X3 435
idle 107 watt
100% load 159 watt
We notice our test platform peak out at roughly 160 Watts power consumption when we stress the CPU cores. Our system however idles merely at 107 Watts. ... iew-test/4
100% load 160watt procesora samotneho,ano?
neviem dobre po anglictinu...