BIOS updatovany problem pretrvava. Na stranke vyrobcu som nasiel toto, ale neviem ci som to dobre prelozil: "Q: My DataTraveler is not full, but when I try to transfer data to the drive I receive an error message stating, "The Directory or File cannot be created".
Resolution: This is a limitation of Microsoft. In order to transfer more data to this unit, you will need to create a new folder on the drive. Once this is done, you should be able to transfer more data to the new folder." Nezabralo.
a este: "While attempting to transfer data to the DataTraveler drive, Windows displays one of the following error messages, “File cannot be created,” “Cannot create file or folder” or “Disk may be full or write protected.”
Resolution: The root of the drive has a limitation on the amount of files that can be stored on the root of the storage device. To resolve, create a new folder on the drive and transfer the remaining data to the new folder. If the DataTraveler does not permit you to create a new folder, try removing one or two files from the drive and then create a new folder."
Len skoda, ze nic z toho nezabera, pritom na vsetkych PC co som doteraz skusal ide v poho, nejde len mne a kamosovi (mame rovnaky Win, ale ja som skusal aj na 3 inych Winoch na mojom pc a nejde) Bol som ho aj reklamovat ale im siel v pohode tak uz newim kde moze byt chyba.