Mam Multifunkcne zariadenie HP Officejet 4255 all-in-one ... "tlaciaren" bola darovana (cize bez zarucaku) a asi po 2 mesiacoch pouzivania jedneho dna rano nenabehla, tj nesla spojit s PC, Fax nesiel proste na nic nereagovala (iba na Tlacitko Zapnout) a na dispeji stale svieti hlaska
ä ä█ä ä█ä ä█ä a█
a vedla nej blikajz frekvenciou asi 20x/1s svetielko zelenej Bodky a oranzoveho Vykricnika:
foto na
na oficialnej stranke HP pisu pri takomto probleme: ... 2&os=228&p roduct=351125&dlc=en&docname=c00489814
he product displays an 0x ... error code when printing (for example Error: 0xf0af8004). These error codes indicate that the product has an internal condition.
Use the instructions below to resolve the issue by restarting the product.
Disconnect the Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable from the back of the product, but leave the product turned on.
Open the cover of the product and remove the print cartridges.
Close the cover and wait for the Insert Ink Cartridges message to display.
Disconnect the power cord from the back of the product and wait for one minute.
Reconnect the power cord. If the product does not automatically turn on, press the Power button.
Open the cover and reinsert the print cartridges.
Close the cover. If prompted, print a calibration page.
Reconnect the USB cable, and try to print a print job from the computer.
If these steps did not resolve the issue, contact HP technical support for assistance.
Proste bezny postup vybrat cartridge, vytiahnut zo siete a pod... tlaciaren bola po objaveni toho problemu odlozena a bez prudu aj mesiac a stale to iste
skusal som Live chat s "pracovnikom" (viacmenej botom) HP
a poradil mi:
Please reset the All-in-One to the factory default settings by following these steps:
1. Unplug the printer.
2. Press and hold # and 6 while plugging in the power cord.
Continue holding until it displays S Full Reset message in the front panel of the All-in-One.
--> tj ked zapnem do 230V mam drzat # a 6 --> NEPOMOHLO
1. Verify that the unit is switched on. Unplug the all-in-one from power and disconnect the connection port.
2. Wait 30 seconds.
3. Plug in the power only.
Please do this 2 to 3 times and let me know once you are done.
--> vytiahnut z 230V a USB, pockat 30s ,robit to 3x .. cize odstavit od prudu --> nepomohlo..
Tvrdili mi ze je to hardwarova chyba, neviete ako sa to da svojpomocne opravit (napr spraleny tranzistor
), lebo oprava by vysla drahsie ako nova tlaciaren.
Mozno ze bude poskodeny Firmware,da sa nejako preflashovat?