takze mam certifikat cisco ale len 1. semester takze neviem vsetko co znamena, na to je help alebo google, nieco ale viem. a stavim sa ze mas neajky TOSHIBA notebook
wake from shutdown = nastavuje sa to v biose, a ked je OFF tak sa zakazu moznosti NIC (Network Interface Card) zobudit pocitac z vypnuteho stavu. ked je ON tak je mozne pomocou sietovky alebo NIC zapnut pc po sieti.
FlowControl = defaultne je nastavene na ON tj. zapnute : Both link partners are allowed to send PAUSE frames.
OFF: No link partner is allowed to send PAUSE frames.
This parameter can be used to set the flow control capabilities the port
reports during auto-negotiation. This parameter can be set for each port
individually, which is helpful if the port at the other end of the cable
cannot handle all possible combinations. Using the default setting, the
adapter should automatically detect the capabilities of the peer port.
Hardware Checksuming
Zvycajne nastavene je ON a je moznost aj vypnut tj. OFF
Tento parameter sa pouziva na vypnutie resp. odpojenie hardwaroveho kontrolneho suctu pracovneho zatazenia (offload) pre TCP/IP. Nieje potreba vypinat toto nastavenie.
Network Address = nastavuje sa MAC adresa NICu